Supporting Ultra poor women to enhance family income and there by reduce disaster risk.


Supporting Ultra poor women of 9 wards of Langhaljhera union to enhance family income and there by reduce disaster risk.

Location the project: The project was implemented: 9 wards of Langaljhara union of Kalaroa Upazila of Satkhira District.

Rationale for choosing the intervention: Kalaroa Upozila stands 17 kilometres away at the north of Satkhira district. From Kalaro Upozila town Langaljhera union is 5.5 kilometers away. The canal NOW KHAL follows by the side of the Langaljhera union. Every year the water of the NOW KHAL over floods the villages Mahmudpur, Rudrapur, Langhaljhera villages seriously and the villagers of these villages are victimized of damages and are to suffer for 5 moths. The poor and the ultra poor people are to seriously suffer due to over flood and water logging. Women are deprived of being engaged in jobs. Especially the sorrows of ultra poor women and disable women know no bounds. They are considered as additional burden for the families and even in society lives. If they are made capable to engage them in income generation activities, then their sorrows will be reduced to some extend. On the other hand they will recover respects and recognition in the families and even in societies. As a result, the additional risk of disaster which the endangered ultra poor women’s families are to face could be reduced by involving them in income generating activities. To enable the ultra poor and disable women who are victims of over flood and water logging of the union to promote their livelihood securities, they could be provided with 25 ducks, small duck rearing farms and its three month food with duck rearing training, so that they might be provided with jobs for duck rearing and to motivate jobless women for encouraging to be involved locally in interesting duck rearing program and to make them aware on such profitable jobs. To impart them in duck rearing training to achieve skills in duck rearing in such water logging area. The ultra poor families if are engaged in duck rearing program, the water which is sorrows to them will be treated as resource for duck rearing and will bring benefits for them. The will get the opportunities to be involved in income generating activities. The members of the union disaster management committee (DMC), landless people, poor women, disable people who are participants of CRA and CRA revisits explored the duck rearing program for ultra poor women of 9 wards of disaster affected area of Langaljhera union and unanimously recommended for implementation of the project. The members of the UDMCs expected that in the areas where disaster hit and caused damages, the poor women of theses areas of Langaljhera union could be included in the project, the risk of disaster at the lives of the poor and disable women could be reduced.

BNM implemented the project  Supporting Ultra poor women of 9 wards of Langhaljhera union to enhance family income and there by reduce disaster risk , with the help of the members of union disaster management committee (UDMC) and project implementation committee (PIC) by the members of UDMC.The members of the UDMC planned the project and sat for planning on 09-10-2007 and decided that during CRA revisit the participants recommended for duck rearing for the ultra poor women to enhance their family income as alternative livelihood option  and decided that the project for duck rearing will enable 45 ultra poor women of 9 wards of Langaljhera union to enhance their family income which will reduce the risk of hazards out of disaster

Implementation period: The project was implemented on and from 20-01-2008 and ended on 15-02-2008

Involvement of local government and DMCs, role of the NGO: The Upozila Project Officer (PIO) and other Upozila level officers including union disaster management committee of concerned union are involved in framing the project proposal and it’s implementation under the technical and direct support of the NGO.

Role of the NGO: BNM as an implementing NGO in cooperation and collaboration with union Disaster Management Committee (UDMC) tried to implement the recommendations made in CRA operation and CRA revisit through project planning and implementation. The main role of the NGO was monitoring and imparting logistic supports.

Total cost of the intervention: 5, 33,680/-

Impact, benefit to the poor and the most Disadvantage: 45 ultra poor women who are vulnerable and most disadvantaged groups were selected for imparting them with training for duck rearing and technical supports were given for setting up 45 duck rearing farms at Langaljhera union for 45 ultra poor women and at each farm was furnished with 25 duck and they were given with three months food for duck rearing and the women got 3 day training on duck rearing. 45 small duck rearing farms at Langaljhera union will enable 45 ultra poor women families for enhancing their family income and their economic bankruptcy will be reduced and risk of all hazards out of disaster will be reduced and vulnerability will be stopped through duck rearing and utilization of local resources.