Registration & Administration

Legal Status:  Under two important regulatory bodies of Government of Bangladesh, the organization is registered and affiliated. Firstly it is registered with Directorate of Women and Children Affairas, Govt. of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh with the registration number Mo-BI-Ah Jessore-33/92 dated 29/12/1992. and subsequently it is registered with the NGO Affairs Bureau under Foreign Donation Act, in the office of the Prime minister with the registration number: FD/FDR-757 dated 18-10-93.

General Administration of The Organization: Since its beginning, BNM has been operating according to its approved constitution giving high priority on good governance, accountability and transparency. It has four types of organizational structures. These are 1) General Committee, 2) Executive Committee, 3) Board of Advisors and 

a) General Committee: The General Committee of 35 members is ornamented by a group of highly qualified and experienced professionals and dignitaries of the society, which meets once in a year, as the highest policy formulation body to approve the program activities and budget, income & expenditure, formulates organizational policies, elects the Executive Committee and approves membership.

b) Executive Committee: The Executive Committee of 7 members is elected by the members of the General Committee in a democratic process for 5 Years, which, as the supreme authority of the organization, sits quarterly to approve and review plans, budgets, expenditures and progresses and makes policy decisions.

c) Board of Advisors: The organization is regularly being benefitted by valuable advices on various development issues of a 7 member Board of Advisors of highly dignified and experienced professionals of the society.

The Executive Director, as the administrative head, is responsible for materializing the decision and overall management and implementation of its different programs/ projects and related activities through highly qualified professional staff & volunteers at the light of its manuals of Job description, Accounts manual, service rules, constitution etc. that are flowed strictly. At present, including higher management, mid-term management and field level staff, BNM has personnel strength of 129 staffs. Among the staffs 60 are male 69 female and a good number of staffs are from ethnic minority communities.