Case Study on women Human rights

Case Study: One Ms.Jayanti Rani Sarker (17) daughter of Mr. Nirmal Sarker of the village of Batuadangha of Tala police station in Satkhira district was victim of gang rape at the instigation of her husband as her husband did not like her as her color was black. Her husband Thakurdas several times tried to drive out her from his house after couple of years of marriage. His wife being a daughter of a poor house tutor, did not ascended to leave her husband’s house due to their social culture and cult. So, Thakurdas, her husband exercised ill treatments to her in the expectation that due to ill treatment his wife will leave her husband’s house for ever. But in no circumstances Joyanti was ready to leave her husband. Lastly Thakur Das, the husband of Joyanti collected some culprits for torturing his wife and placed her in gang rape. Thakurdas was only son of his parents of a well to do family. Joyanti became victim of gang rape, but no body came forward for her treatment or for social justice in spite of repeated requests to village headmen and society leaders.Finding no alternative Joyanti came to BNM office and sought legal assistance and safe shelter. BNM provided shelter to her and helped her starting criminal case against the culprits. Firstly local police being gained over was reluctant to proceed with the case and to prosecute the culprits being bias by the culprits. Joyanti was successful to draw the judicial notice of court and was court was pleased to conduct judicial investigation and charges were framed against the culprits for gang rape, the accused guessed the serious results of criminal case. So, to escape from the criminal case they killed Thakurdas, husband of Joyanti, at whose instigation they were involved in gang rape. The accused in connivance with each other killed Thakurdas and falsely entangled Joyanti, her father, maternal uncle and brother in law in counter case of murder. BNM assisted Joyanti in preferring appeal for C.I.D investigation which investigated the murder case and charge sheet was submitted against the accused who awere also accused of gang rape case filed by Joyanti . In trial of gang rape case, the accused were sentenced to capital punishment and in murder case Joyanti and her father and other innocent accused were acquitted. Joyanti got justice in the court of law at the legal assistance of BNM and safety in BNM’s shelter.Joyanti while in BNM’s shelter was admitted into school for education and after relief she was reunion with her father’s family.

Case Study: (ii) Miss Salma (18), an young girl student of secondary school at the village of Hashadangha of Monirampur police station in Jessore district was kidnapped by her neighbor and was trafficked to west Bengal in India, the neighboring state and she was sexually harassed and the accused forcibly married her and prepared fabricated documents of marriage  for escaping from criminal liabilities. The father of the victim came to BNM office submitted an application seeking legal aid support. BNM considering all aspects of the case suggested to rescue the victim Salma with priority. And assistedher father with logical support  to rescue the victim. Through a trap the culprit was arrested and victim Salma was rescued.BNM supported Salma for admitting in educational institution and bore all the expenses of her education and medical treatments.

Case Study: (iii). Miss. Sabina (10) an young girl student of a poor van puller Md. Abdus Salam of Burihati at Keshabpur police station of Jessore district was forcibly taken away from her parent’s custody to Dhaka and was forcibly employed in job of a house working girl by some neighboring villagers without formal consent of her guardians. Her study in primary school was stopped. Some months after her departure, her employee at Dhaka declared that Salma is traceless. The parents of Sabina sough legal aid to BNM for rescuing the unfortunate girl and to compel the employer answerable to law and court. BNM visited time to time the house of Sabina’s father and collected evidence in support of allegation and issued legal notices to illegal employer. They tried to refuse the authenticity of allegation, but in the face of intensified legal steps, the illegal employer was compelled to handover the minor girl in the hand of police at Dhaka city and the father of the minor girl got custody of her daughter. Minor Sabina was admitted to school and BNM took responsibility of expenses for her study.