Mass Mobilization and Awareness Raising Program to Combat HIV/AIDS

Project Title: Mass Mobilization and Awareness Raising Program to Combat HIV/AIDS in Fultala Brothel and Surrounding areas of Khulna Metropolitan City of Bangladesh.

Between 1st January and  31st December 2015 the BNM implemented the following activities: 

- 5 Staff Trainings sessions

- 3 days of peer educators and facilitators training for 15 people

- BCC/IEC materials edited, printed and distributed among the beneficiaries.

- Organized and reviewed 12 monthly progress meetings.

- Undertook a base line survey to contently to assess the population, the number of brothels and the number of factories, mills and hotels, plus the number of brothel attending youths.

- Presented and organized 5 seminar and workshop on HIV/AIDS for transport workers and street children. Over 500 participant’s took part in the seminar and workshops!  -

- Showed an awareness documentary film over 100 times in the project area .

- Conducted over 300 meetings with transport workers and street children on the topic of prevention and risk of  HIV/AIDS.

The project activities were organized at the participation and cooperation of the localities and the transport workers.