Poor persons with disabilities to run small business.



Project Support 9 poor persons with disabilities to run small business in Kushodanga Union under Kalaroa Upazila in Satkhira District.

Location the project was implemented: 9 wards of Kushodangha union of Kalaroa Upazila of Satkhira District.

Rationale for choosing the intervention:

At every year in the month of June and July due to heavy rain fall, the nearby rivers Kapothakhya and Betrabati which are silted due to deposit of alluvial in their bossoms ,they lost their current and both the banks of both the rivers over flood the adjacent villages on both the banks of the rivers .The vast lands of Kalaroa Upozila being over flooded damage huge crops, paddy , cattle and poultry and fish perimeters. Over all the arsenic contamination and its limit is unbearable by human beings. i.e. 0.35.

Under these circumstances the disable people are considered to be additional burden and are deprived of at every steps life. In the face of natural disaster their vulnerability and helplessness exceed all limits of tolerance. Their rights to live is although recognized, is overlooked. In such atmosphere if the disable people are involved in income generation activities, they will no longer be treated to be burden either in family lives or in society lives. Rather with the promotion of their financial position   

AS per LDRRAP the participants of the LDRRAP while developing the same they explored that to enhance economical promotion of the disable people support to run small business for them, it will accelerate their excess to income generating activities and to eradicate poverty and enable them to be self reliant.

As such the project `support to run small business for poor persons with disabilities’ was planned and undertaken in the following grounds and justification:

Kushodangha union stands at 6 kilometer away from north east of Kalaroa upozila.The river Betrabati follows from the middle of Kushodangha union, Due to deposit of alluvial in  the bosom of the river Betrabati, huge agricultural and plain lands are over flooded as such out of 1373 hectors of crops lands , 400 hectors of crop lands are over flooded  which results in huge damage of crops and residential houses are damaged . The .loss of cattle and poultry take place, the school premises and the village market places are damaged .The poor helpless women, and the people with disabilities and ordinary people are to suffer much. Especially the sorrows of women and people with disabilities know no bounds. They are considered to be additional burden of the families and even in society. If any how their financial position is promoted, their sorrows especially in times of flood or water logging will be reduced. The risks of sufferings during disaster will be eliminated. While selection of risk of hazards of the people with disabilities on alternative livelihood option for reduction of risk of disable peoples for their livelihood insecurities, the participants in CRA operation explored establishment of trolley shops for disable people with imparting training to support to run small business. Most of the members of DMC and community members and the people with disabilities gave emphasis on this planning on pilot basis for establishment of small business for disable people near by their residence was decided and to impart training to them to  run small business. And to give logistic support to them which may reduce risk at their lives. The members of project implementation committee (PIC) selected the beneficiaries and decided for monitoring them and to keep sharp watching so that no local interference hampers their business. As such the disable people will be free from risk of livelihood insecurities due to flood, arsenic and water logging. The union disaster management committee (DMC) and the implementing NGO will monitor time to time.  As such the project was undertaken at the 9 wards of Kushodangha union of Kalaroa Upozila in Satkhira district.

Implementation Period: 14-06-2007 to 14-08-2007

Involvement of local government and DMCs, role of the NGO: The Upozila Project Officer (PIO) and other Upozila level officers including union disaster management committee of concerned union are involved in framing the project proposal and it’s implementation under the technical and direct support of the NGO.

Role of the NGO: BNM as an implementing NGO in cooperation and collaboration with union Disaster Management Committee (UDMC) tried to implement the recommendations made in CRA operation and CRA revisit through project planning and implementation. The main role of the NGO was monitoring and imparting logistic supports.

Total Cost of intervention: 3, 06,000/-

Impact: Benefit to the poor and the most Disadvantage 9 people with disabilities got training and logistical support which ensured their livelihood securities. The disable people are always neglected and are deprived of their legal rights and opportunities and they become more vulnerable in disaster prone areas, through this project 9 disable people who are most disadvantaged and vulnerable, got support and were benefited to enhance family income. Nos. of direct beneficiaries is 9 and indirect beneficiaries 36 and total nos. of beneficiaries are 45 males and females.